Saturday, September 01, 2007


It has been a while, two months actually, since my last post.
I am settling into my ministry; I enjoy working with the families of Project Rainbow.

I was on retreat for 6 days in Cape May New Jersey. While there I realized that since I had returned to Philadelphia I had not really been present to those around me and that wherever I am, God calls to be be aware of and present to whoever I am with.

The two year anniversary of Katrina was this past week and reminders of the storm were sprinkled in the media. One morning I even woke up to a NPR report from NOLA, as my radio alarm clock came on. I continue to think of and pray for the people of New Orleans while making an effort to be aware of and respond to the needs and the people around me everyday.

As time goes on, I realize how much I learned in New Orleans, how the experience has changed me, and how rich and full those 7 months were. Now, I need to apply what I learned and integrate it into my life in the place where I find myself.