Sunday, October 21, 2007

A Year later

I have been very aware that one year ago last Friday I left Philadelphia for New Orleans. I continue to be grateful for the entire experience and continue to miss the city and people I grew to love.

Yesterday I took some time to walk around Philadelphia trying to enjoy the city the way I enjoyed my weekend walks through New Orleans neighborhoods to the French Quarter. While walking a couple of the Marianites I had lived with called my cell phone; they were actually in the Philadelphia airport on their way back to New Orleans. I wanted to get to the airport quickly to see them, but was not able to do so.

While waiting for the next subway train back to my neighborhood, I sat down, cross legged on a metal bench. When I looked up directly in front of me was a large poster that said something about New Orleans and heroes. It was an advertisement for, K-Ville, a Fox television program that takes place in NOLA. Transposed over the characters clothing were a variety of overlapping pictures of New Orleans. I could easily pick out the Crescent City Connection Bridge, a Bourbon Street Sign, and the Central Business District sky line.

I sat and cried.

Now it is autumn once again. As the trees are preparing to release their leaves, may I let go of New Orleans in the ways that are necessary for me to truly be present and peaceful here.

If anyone actually reads this, please keep me in your prayers.
Take care.
Love, Kathleen

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